Framework is a design proposal for the Vienna Design Week’s Open Call ‘Stadtarbeit’. The theme this year is “Vacant lots / fallow land / empty sites: new approaches to interim use of public spaces“.
WHAT: We are proposing a new Social Floor Plan for Urban Design
WHY: To create a different perception of space and how we position ourselves within it
HOW: By creating an infrastructure in the form of a grid
A New Social Floorplan for Urban Design
Framework is a comment on the ‘new world’ we are entering by creating a social floor plan for urban design. It is about the value of connection, whether this is with a person or a space. In Vienna this sense of connection is evident throughout history, site specifcally linking the 1st District, die Innerestadt, and the 2nd District, Leopoldstadt with 5 bridges crossing the ‘Donaukanal’. These bridges have been demolished and rebuilt over and over, a continuous cycle of reconnection.
We are living in an anomalous time where every touch, every breath and every step is predetermined before taken, cause and effect as a result of the Coronavirus.
We are more aware of the physical connection between our bodies and the space surrounding us.
Framework depicts a grid on the floor along the Donaukanal, which is used as a new infrastructure to create a different perception of space and how we position ourselves within it.
Design: Ebru Güner und Jesse Greulich